Facti bruti – the brain has its own way

"The highest guideline of wisdom is that it is better to maintain order than to deal with disorder.
Treatment of the disease, once it occurs, is the same as digging a well when a person becomes thirsty, or forging weapons after the war has already erupted.
                                                                   (-Nei Jing, 2nd century BC)

If I’d try to describe how I – before more than twenty years, from a promising student with a Zois scholarship, hyper energetic woman, versatile sportswoman, a person who had her future lined up and strongly defined path to tomorrow – became a psycho-physically lost girl, lost in time and space, you’d probably think that I superficially read the Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe or only the part on punishment from the Crime and Punishment.
The brain went its “own” way and by that “set” a price for my future.

La danse - matisse

An astonishing realization

Darwin said: "From a simple start!"

He spoke of evolution, that probably happened only once; the creationists lean on the Genesis, but an astonishing realization and the fact that your condition hurts you on many levels, physiologically, psychologically, that your surroundings isolate you, exclude you, position you in the system of invalidity and retardation, then you don’t believe anymore, you don’t trust, the professional opinion stigmatizes you, the doubt tingles, and only your on personal touch, searching your own voice among people and the ability to overcome daily hindrances, enables you to persist.

Ones-own evolution …

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